The “new you”. The things you’ve been putting on your vision board for the past months. The “things you’ll do once you achieve XYZ”. The “money you’ll make in x months”. It’s all now.

All the desires and goals you’ve been carrying in your heart in the last months… in my 3-6 months coaching containers we make them your reality.


A Business & Sales that support the life you desire


Long term success

Wealth Money Health



You went from thinking “One day this will happen” to “Oh my gosh, I did it” – You’re full of pride and gratitude when your family & friends ask about your business because you did it. You have a business that is even better than the one you were talking about when you started.

Your sales are smoother, your systems are simpler & every month is your “highest income month yet” 

Your start building your team, you feel safe to delegate and take the days off you’ve been craving knowing that your business and sales will survive (or even double lol)

You know how to navigate every season of business – you know how to turn a slow sales seasons into a multiple 4 figures launch, how to turn your DMs convos from icky to signed clients, how to build momentum & hit your highest income month after a few weeks of no sales.

I see the present you…

    • You’re so passionate and so committed to your business – you tried all the strategies, invested in your business and you’re yet to find the strategy that makes you feel aligned and at ease (but I got you!)
    • You’re signing clients but sometimes they fall back on payments, they ask for longer payment plans, they don’t put in the work and sometimes they make you question your worth
    • Your vision board is always full of healthy meals, trips, yoga classes, traveling while making an impact and you say “Next year I’m gonna make it happen”, while you know you crave it right now


    • You’re also craving more self trust – you’re done second guessing every decision you make in your business and you’re ready to confidently handle launches, high & low seasons, sales conversations 

My precious, I see you!


Imagine this...

"The craziest thing happened since we worked together! A photographer reached out, signed a monthly management package and wants me to speak in her coaching program - potential new clients there too!! And another client booked my Makeover VIP Week! The content I'm creating now feels more fire than before!"

- Paula, Pinterest Manager & Strategist

How It Works

Fill In Form

Before our 1:1 meeting you’ll be asked to fill a form to make sure I have more information about how you’re currently feeling about your business & sales and how you desire to move in your business after our meeting

Meet & Plan

In our 1:1 meetings & through your private Client Hub we plant the seeds of a new era of your business & build aligned action plans to welcome more ease into your business & sales.


My favorite part!!! The part when we see you win!!! During our 1:1 meetings I’ll give you all the tools so implementing our plan will feel effortless. During our time together you’ll have my support Mon - Fri (for accountability & private coaching) & your own private hub with all the resources I think will best support your growth. When you join my 3-6 months coaching containers you also get access to my whole Service Suite.


If that's something you're struggling with, Naomi is your go to girl.
"The priceless content review Naomi gave me was mind blowing to say the least. She gave implementation tips that make it easier for me to communicate with my dream clients by using the attraction method. I was deep in a rabbit hole guessing what kind of content people want from me. You don't have to do that with Naomi. She's a frigging mind reader and a good one at that. Or just has better marketing skills. If that's something you're struggling with, Naomi is your go to girl."

Wambui Njuguna | Health and Fitness Enthusiast, Wellness Copywriter
Normally business coaches are boring people you'll ever meet but Naomi makes business a lot easier with her bubbly personality.
I was blessed with a content review + a mini business strategy from Naomi & it was the most simple yet implementable knowledge I have ever gotten from a business coach. Normally business coaches are boring people you'll ever meet but Naomi makes business a lot easier with her bubbly personality. She has a wealth of knowledge & shares all the secrets which otherwise others won't ever share. She has cheered me up & motivated me to take the difficult steps every second I talked to her. If you want to work with an uplifting Coach who will not leave you till you take action, then Naomi is your go-to Business Coach.

Sameera Abrar | Personal Brand Builder
After our intensive together I got a lot of clarity on attraction marketing
Working with Naomi was absolutely incredible! I came to her not knowing how to speak to my ideal client and my clients not converting from my content. After our intensive together I got a lot of clarity on attraction marketing, a bunch of amazing ideas for new content, we reworked my captions so that they speak directly to my ICA's soul and I left feeling more confident in my services and value I can deliver for my clients. Also, she is one of the most genuine and amazing people l've ever met. She goes above and beyond for her clients and doesn't hold back! I will definitely work with Naomi again in the future!

Paula Ruzenceva | Social Media Manager & Strategist
It's been so eye-opening for me and I can't thank her enough for her help.
I never knew how much help I needed with my content before Naomi helped me with a content review. I wanted to know more about attraction marketing and how to write my content from this perspective. She made me understand how I can shift my messaging toward attraction marketing with GREAT examples. Before she reviewed my content I had no idea what my content sounded like. Somehow, seeing my content re-written by her, I realized I was focusing so much on my audience's pain points and what they were making wrong instead of showing them what working with me actually gives them. It's been so eye-opening for me and I can't thank her enough for her help. If you're thinking to work with her, I can assure you she'll help you tremendously!

Carina Asaftei | Copywriter for E-Com Businesses
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